Coach Tips: Tapering


Tapering refers to reducing training volume whilst maintaining intensity in the week leading up to a testing week or competition.

The benefits of tapering include optimising performance, promoting recovery, reducing fatigue levels, facilitating central nervous system (CNS) recovery, and ultimately achieving peak performance during testing week. This article will present some of the main benefits of tapering, discussing why you tapers should be include into your programme.

Benefits of Tapering

Optimising Performance

Tapering plays a pivotal role in fine-tuning our performance for a testing week. By reducing training volume, we allow our bodies to recover and adapt, leading to increased muscular strength, power, and endurance. This reduction in volume doesn’t mean a decrease in intensity, however. By maintaining intensity during a taper week, we stimulate our muscles and nervous system, priming them for optimal performance.

Promoting Recovery

Tapering before a testing week allows us to recover fully from the accumulated fatigue and stress caused by the progressive nature of the training phase. By reducing the training load, we give our muscles, tendons, and ligaments the opportunity to repair reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall recovery.

Reducing Fatigue Levels

Fatigue is an inevitable consequence of rigorous training, and if left unchecked, it can hinder performance during testing week. By tapering training volume, we effectively reduce the overall stress on our bodies, allowing us to dissipate accumulated fatigue. This reduction in fatigue levels enables our bodies to restore energy reserves, leading to improved muscle glycogen stores and enhanced neuromuscular function.

Promoting CNS Recovery

Intense training can exert significant stress on the CNS, leading to reduced neural drive and performance. Tapering allows for CNS recovery by decreasing the demands placed on the nervous system. This recovery period enables our CNS to reset, restoring optimal neural drive and improving a number of other functions. By optimising CNS recovery through tapering, we can unleash our full athletic potential during testing week.


This article has discussed tapering and the benefits of integrating tapering into your programme If you want workout programming for the best, then be sure to explore some of our workout programmes. Our functional training programme, Train, is the best programme for hybrid athletes.

Whilst you’re here, also be sure to check out more of our programmes, including our functional bodybuilding plan, Gain, and also our Hyrox Training Plan.