Coach Tips: Intensification Phases


At various points in the programming, our Functional Training Programme, Train & our advanced functional training programme, Perform, go through an intensification phase. But what exactly is intensification, and what distinguishes it from accumulation phases?

What is an Intensification Phase?

Intensification marks the transition from an accumulation phase, emphasising higher intensity (load) and lower volume within the training week. While accumulation phases prioritise volume and lay the foundation, intensification redirects our focus to quality over quantity.

Accumulation builds the base, and intensification is where we strive for higher percentages, seeking peak strength adaptations. It’s a period when specificity becomes more crucial, aligning our training closely with how we might test at the end of this training phase.

Goals of the Intensification Phase

* Maximal Strength: This is where we push our limits to enhance maximal strength. Heavy lifts take centre stage, demanding higher force production, and more.

* Neural Adaptations: Intensification is also about optimising neural pathways. Our nervous system becomes more efficient, coordinating movements with increased precision.

* Peaking for Performance: The ultimate aim? Prime ourselves for peak performance during testing weeks. It’s an evolution from the foundational work laid during accumulation.


In conclusion, an intensification phase is a part of a training cycle that focuses on high quality repetitions, with low volume and a high load. Whilst you’re here, be sure to check out more of our programmes, including our functional bodybuilding plan, Gain, and also our Hyrox Training Plan.

If you enjoyed this and  want to learn more about training or coaching, then be sure to check out the level 3 personal trainer course from the PFCA.