How to Maximise Recovery from Strength Training


Today we're going to be talking about how to maximise recovery from strength training. This is essential knowledge for any beginner, intermediate or advanced fitness enthusiast, as recovery time is when strength and muscle are built. In this article, we’ll present 4 main tips for maximising recovery! 

Tips for Maximising Recovery

Nutrition & Hydration

Tip number one is going to be around your nutrition and your hydration. Firstly you want to make sure you're consuming adequate calories either in maintenance or a slight surplus.  Then we want to look at your macro split as well. Is there enough protein and carbohydrates as well as adequate fat for everything to be able to function properly? When thinking about hydration, we want to make sure that we're consuming enough water and some electrolytes alongside it, especially if we’ve been sweating throughout the day or training session.


Tip number two is going to be around sleep. So, we want to make sure we're sleeping 7-9 hours per night, but we also want to focus on the quality. Sleep hygiene - things like are we going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time? Are we managing our temperature? So we want to be sleeping in a cool dark room and are we reducing noise where possible.

Stress Management

Tip number three is going to be stress management. Are you managing financial and work stress? Are you managing emotional stress with relationships? Are you finding ways to help manage your stress when things get hard? If not, that's going to affect your ability to recover from session to session, and the intensity that you're going to be able to hit on those strength days.

Aerobic Training & Movement

Tip number four is going to be around aerobic training and movement. If you are not fit, you're not going to be able to recover as quickly as someone who is aerobically fit. Not only from session to session, but also within sessions. If you are aerobically unfit, you're not going to be able to go from set to set, bringing that heart rate down and matching the same intensity as you would if your aerobic system was fit enough. And then you should also be doing movement on your days off and on rest days. This’ll help you to recover better from session to session.


This article has discussed 4 of the main tips to recover from strength training. Whilst you’re here, be sure to check out our functional bodybuilding programme, Gain and functional training programme, Train. Be sure to also check out all of our recovery supplements, such as our grass fed whey protein, creatine monohydrate and plant protein.

If you want to level up your knowledge of training and coaching, then be sure to take a look at the level 3 personal trainer course from the PFCA.